
AZzardoSmart - Smart Living
See reviews for AZzardoSmart on Google Play Store

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Recent rating average: 1.67
All time rating average: undefined

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Date Author Rating Comment
Natalia Gorchakova
Cannot make it work with any lamp. I switch the lamp to "connection" mode and then start "adding the device". After 5 sec the lamp stops flashing , but it doesn't appear in the list of devices. I bought 10 azzardo lamps and non of them is working.
Jak kontrolować i dodawać do planera więcej niż jedną żarówkę? Zero wskazówek :/ Poza tym żarówki bardzo słabe, nic nadzwyczajnego. Ten cały "inteligentny" dom tylko utrudnia życie i obciąża router...
Marcin M
Not enough user manuals and guides. No information on how to control multiple lights at once (takes a while to find it in settings!) . Some devices appear inactive while being on despite good wifi coverage. Default brightness and color values do not match the actual lamp settings. It takes a while to get used to the app but it's decent overall.