Axium (requires Axium system)

Complete home automation and control

Total ratings

3.67 (Rating count: 42)
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Recent rating average: 2.40
All time rating average: 3.67
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46% (6)
Date Author Rating Comment
Works but zero music services that work. Aftersales support doesn't exist either. Waited 12months to fix a pricy product that does the same as a 1/2 the price McClelland map800 audio does we had to buy to operate our business
jamie greenaway
Always seem to have trouble finding axium on the network. Layout gets lost or continually drops out, so unable to live the dream of multi zone control of audio. Support relationships in Australia non existent or have gone bankrupt leaving alot of true believers who paid good money for the axium system , unable to use or get support on a premium priced system.
Selena Charlton
I can't get this to work at all on one device. My other device, it was working, but was very buggy. Now Pandora does not work on it at all.
Howard Lumsden
Can't get it to work with my Gskaxy Note10
Ross Jennings
Only works on one of my phone's, but very quick response and fix to bugs by the developer is very much appreciated
A Google user
Application works fantastic. Sometimes a little clunky to get updated via the computer but when it is updated and working, it is very responsive and predictable. Thanks for making this free version operate well and without 3rd party/ads interference!
A Google user
New layout is hard to workout can't seem to adjust bass , treble , balance on speakers i believe old layout much better
A Google user
Basically, it can't register the playlists on your phone, volume control doesn't work (my cat got scared because it just sets the volume to max) the layout is very displeasing to the eye. All in all so much work can be done, it doesn't function properly, bugs out a lot and needs a lot of fixes
A Google user
Application cannot cope with multiple things happening at once. No multitasking functions on phone or the app crashes, If you have multiple access points in you home it will get confused and crash regardless of a single IP address. If you receive an influx of messages or notifications it will stop functioning.
A Google user
One of the most open flexible software to use and configure.
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