Fish World

Fish World app contains important types of Fishes and also disease information.

Total ratings

4.60 (Rating count: 12)
See reviews for Fish World on Google Play Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.80
All time rating average: 4.60

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Date Author Rating Comment
Marilyn Block
Played for many years. Hope to play For many more
Teresa Crask
Have downloaded the app filled out the form but it isn't working.
Thomas Fiddler
It is addictive, but also great stress relief. Decorate fish tanks, with a bunch of items. Large selection of fish, named & designed like the actual fish. There's contests, buy/ sell @ auction, share tanks, friends help design. Earn coins, fish bucks and buy with real money. It's fun, but don't go to FishWorld Community forum on Facebook, the people that have/still run it are rude and won't allow comments that tell of issues with game. The try to pretend no issues with game whatsoever.
A Google user
Good app. Good information.
A Google user
looking great. very quality and prisized information.