Introducing the CMP app!

Total ratings

4.53 (Rating count: 1,296)

Review summary

  • Easy to navigate and pay bills
  • Convenient for making payments without calling customer service
  • Provides outage information and maps
  • Option to set up autopay for easier bill management
  • User-friendly interface that is colorful and readable
  • App frequently logs users out
  • Information is hard to read and fit on the screen
  • Payment processing issues and difficulty viewing payment status
  • Lack of features and updates for better functionality
  • Confusion around autopay setup and missed payments due to app issues
Most mentioned
  • Difficulties in reading information and issues with screen fitting
  • Repeated login requirements and app not saving credentials
  • Frequent payment processing problems leading to late fees
  • Simplicity of payments but lacking additional features
  • App reliability issues and inability to log in or process payments
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
See reviews for CMP on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.60
All time rating average: 4.53
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Rating filters

5 star
24% (8)
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18% (6)
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9% (3)
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3% (1)
1 star
47% (16)
Date Author Rating Comment
Tonya Garcelon-Wood
Great linesmen work!! But the website is easy,quick,to pay bill and view,self explanatiory for site!
Ken Andiorio
The information is hard to read on the app because the perspective or font is a little off. I can't see how much I owe and other things.
J L Trewmyn
The app is great. One tiny problem is that the banner or tray at the bottom partially covers access to ACCEPT at the bottom of the active page. Small design flaw.
Jennifer Riggs
The information doesn't fit on the screen, pushed buttons hoping it was correct
courtnie potvin
Zooms in too far on payment options blocking half of your choices. Can't see selected banking info!
Tyler Goodwin
It is very easy to navigate and pay the bill on time
Roger Weller
App doesn't fit screen and is hard to schedule a payment on future due date.
Richard Astle
Navigation is as simple as it gets. The outage map makes it very easy to see outages throughout the state in real time. Payment is nice and simple, doesn't take you through multiple screens or windows to verify payment
Chris A.
Love the convenience the app provides paying & looking at my bills. No more long hold times!
Lorrie Maiorano
I would give 5 if once you made payment it showed on app the payment so you don't make the mistake of resubmitting
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