
Timesheet allows you to record your work entries and Work hour with ease.
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Date Author Rating Comment
Narayanan GK
App no longer feels user friendly for the managers to approve timesheets.
shachee shirke
Ok to use kinda stringent
vignesh vignesh
Excellent 👌 application
jagdish Damushte
I really appreciate to dev-testing team and organisation for such simple and multifunction timesheet app, it has well manager module,employee module,leave module along with respective status, i personally feel its a best app ever seen and used ***** from my side.......Jagdish
Ashay Zemse
Everytime I tap on current timesheet month it says "server error invalid request"
Steve Andrew
New Version is Good. Minor spelling mistakes in words are observed while raising Tickets under specific categories. Settings button is not working once logged in. Two different Logout Buttons are displayed which have the same functionality.
nitin utekar
Amit Pawar
Issue:- Even after updating timesheet app... I m not able to see Ticket Management and Ticket Admin menu at my home page. * I would like to suggest below two point. 1) Version number should be change if you deployed any new patch/release. 2) There should be one lable which highlight when new release got deployed i.e "Updated On"
A Google user
Not happy with the performance
A Google user
I am not able to change/update my password. Also, new month dates are not activated/displayed on the first day of the month (I am facing this issue currently for 1 Aug 2019 at 9:30 a.m.).
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