AuditBricks - Site Auditing

Manage site work with inspections, snag lists, punch lists, and defect reports.

Total ratings

4.25 (Rating count: 440)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • User-friendly and versatile for site audits
  • Convenient for adding issues and generating reports
  • Useful for professionals in various fields, such as construction management and safety
  • Good integration for visual documentation with photos
  • Limit of 2 photos per issue is restrictive
  • Issues with saving projects and functionality after recent updates
  • Cannot delete multiple items or navigate easily through previous entries
  • No option to access or modify reports from a PC/Laptop
Most mentioned
  • Limited photo attachment when adding issues
  • Difficulty with saving and functionality glitches
  • Need for folders to organize audits
  • Request for improved photo editing and handling
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.50
All time rating average: 4.25
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Date Author Rating Comment
Kristijan Sablic
App is very good the only problem and is very annoying that you can only add 2 photos per issue ... Add possibility for 6 photos atkeast
Troy Seiber
I have tried many, and I mean many others apps. This one is by far the best, most versatile and user friendly. Thank you for making my life easier. Marine Surveyor and Super Yacht Captain
KGB 498
Not happy. Can't add photos from Google photos. Using Google pixel phone . When you going to add images from Google photos chosed imige don't appears. When you doing straight imige true Camera it's all good.
Danny Fletcher
I'm in the occupational health and safety arena and love this app for capturing of my client audits. Would be great if one could creat folders so you can place audits in individual folders. Would also be a bid plus if one could access it via a PC/Laptop so clients could access there audits.
Daniel Neeley
Just purchased today. Tried adding my project, all information was filled out. Will not allow me to save it... Tried 4 times to add projects , push save, and nothing happens. as of now it's useless. Fix it or refund me 4.99.
Simon Hanson
Update. Still unable to save new projects. Support is not helpful. Can't save a project at all. Tried many times and this version doesn't let me do it.
matt oxborrow
Update has left app non functional. Cannot save projects when trying to create. Fill out front page etc, hit save , does nothing. Tried on Samsung a22 and s22+. Same issue in both handsets
Ahmed Eid
it's very helpful for snagging specaily (save & add ) button But some issues required to be considered in the coming update 1. it's required to control font size and picture size instead of ONLY ( small, big, single ) 2. the major important thing, when i'm attaching pictures to my report, i had to navigate through all folders to reach the last picture ( my camera then scroll down to find the last picture ) it would be imazing if i directed automatically to the last image
Moo Kun
about Auditor Signature hope is possible resize When I saw on cover page It's very small. About Adding a photi I think it's possible can Add many photo in once?. After generate pdf. every thing looks good except photo quality. I use Note 10+
Juan Rivera
Excellent app, but right now with Android 11 and the 2.2 update I cant share the projects and either take pictures, and I on a middle of a punch, I try to contact by email but I don't have awnser
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