ATB Business - Mobile Banking

The ATB Business mobile banking app is now better than ever! Tap to learn more.

Total ratings

3.44 (Rating count: 1,713)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
    • App is often slow and unreliable
    • Confusing two-step authentication process
    • Difficult navigation and user interface
    • Issues with balance discrepancies
    • New updates have made the app less functional and user-friendly
    Most mentioned
    • Frequent issues with app functionality
    • Frustration with the two-step verification process
    • Desire to revert to the old app
    • Poor user experience and navigation
    • Inconsistent and incorrect balance displays
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    User reviews

    Recent rating average: 1.40
    All time rating average: 3.44
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    Date Author Rating Comment
    Khaled Taliani
    I'm not satisfied at all with this app. It works as an app when it wants. It seems that every 6 weeks, the app will work as an app for a week, then go back to "redirecting you to desktop site". It doesn't make sense. There's no updates, there's no support for this issue. Very faulty 90 percent of the time. And as someone who banks very often, this is a red flag for me to go to another bank.
    Jared Smith
    Hands down worst banking app in the industry. You have to receive an email every time to get into the app. Clunky and slow when literally every single other banking app has biometric. Now the new update brought biometric capabilities about 10 years behind everyone else but it glitches when trying to get set up for it and doesn't work. I have to assume they have their customer service division doing the coding in their spare time. This is pretty basic level stuff and they can't seem to get it.
    Sean Allen
    When I check my balance on my credit card it often has the wrong balance. Only when I call in to question the discrepancy do they explain the balance shown on the home page is correct. But when I open the Credit Card section it shows thr difference of up to $3000 on my card. In times of severe fraud and scams all around us, this is particularly frustrating and does NOT instill trust and faith in this app, or is the ATB themselves....
    The app is really slow, It will never work when you need it most. There are always issues with it. It annoys you so much that you are forced to use some other banks or go on a computer for your transactions. Almost every day, they have issues with the app.I was trying to look my recent transactions, but it won't allow me to do so. 2 step verification is painful. The list is so long that they should fire the developers and hire some new developers who know how to make a working app.
    Ben Hufnagel
    Going to the website to do your online banking on your phone is almost easier. Especially since they won't let you do anything on the app without two step verification. Absolutely love this app!!! NOTTTT!!! Terribly designed. You can't do any managing of minor details than when you try to log in to the actually browser website on your phone it defaults back to the app so you can't make the changes that require a browser to make. Very irritating.
    Ethan Barton
    I go to login and the app can't seem to let me login via the app so it jumps me out into the generic google browser to sign in. I fill in my user and password, It asks for a security code, I check my email for the code, I don't receive it instantly but no worries, the worst has yet to come. I moments later I review the security code, I put it in and click the confirm button. It hops off the browser back into the app, the app does not compute and sends me back into the browser to try again.
    Anyone else using this app the can not see there balance of their credit card purchases . Because my app has this issue to ... its only in my credit card also . All others show the purchase and the amount. Except when I open the credit card account . I see the transaction but the amount is missing. On the phone only . Drives me nuts . I Hava tried setting my fonts smaller bigger and everything possible. I have been to the branch manage and everything . The date also says invalid in this
    Darren Holt
    I don't like the new changes I was fine with the online banking before they gave it a new look. I now find it a little confusing. I also find that ATB is leaning more and more towards numbers and sales and further from the customer experience especially when you call in to their customer care line. They claim to be all about helping the small business but in reality it is quite the opposite.
    Mark Bennett
    Very disappointed in ATBs online banking experience. Over the last 12-24 months there's been a consistent focus on aesthetics over user experience. From pushing an insecure and slow 2-factor auth, using SMS and email, instead of more convenient and secure methods, to the breaking of QuickBooks integration for the past 6 months, and frequent app crashes, the quality of the experience continues to decline. The team needs to step back, stop the cosmetic changes, and focus on the overall UX.
    I usually don't rate apps but I had do make a consideration here. This has got to be one of the worst apps I've ever used. It makes no sense that ATB is this far behind every other bank in Canada. They had a working app before that wasn't great but was atleast a 3 star. Having to enter a confirmation code every single time you login is incredibly inconvenient and frustrating. I'd rather pull-out my laptop and login than use the app. Advise: Just delete the app and start over.
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