The Bank KS Mobile

Mobile banking app for customers of The Bank, KS

Total ratings

4.20 (Rating count: 23)
See reviews for The Bank KS Mobile on Google Play Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.38
All time rating average: 4.20

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38% (3)
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13% (1)
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25% (2)
Date Author Rating Comment
Chevzuki Chevzuki
The APP works just fine but i need an option to send money to my bank back in New Zealand and it just doesnt have that available.
Great to keep on top of things for your account.
Charlotte Plotts
Has the worst mobile deposit feature of any mobile banking app I've ever used.
James Whittemire
Pretty good at times but also sometimes slow
A Google user
Rated a 2 because nobody seems to know when the app will be updated to work with the newer s10+. When I had my s8+ I would have rated it a 5 star. Use this app daily. Sometimes I am 3,000 miles from home and the mobile banking makes it easier to do what I have to. Please fix the issue and I will change the rating.
A Google user
very helpful app
A Google user
Easy. Love it.
A Google user
Not to bad.. wish the password reset could be done within the app