Golfing Guide

Golfing Guide - GPS Yardage Book Application

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3.00 (Rating count: 89)
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Recent rating average: 5.00
All time rating average: 3.00
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Date Author Rating Comment
Serge Banza
Great app!!! The Golfing guide team always gives the best services, responds in updating requested course when not available. I find their courses layout very useful in preparation of and during a game. Thanks Chandra for your great support and keep it up!!!
Wes Tyner
Golfing Guide App is the way to go!! Vivid pictures with detailed obstructions and yardages. Have used in a few rounds and very satisfied. Can trust what it say. Very important in my world. Wes
victor scott
The graphics and accuracy are very good. I reccomend this app to anyone who enjoys golfing.
A Google user
Very precise description of the course with distances to the hazards plus online yardage measurements.
A Google user
A great app which provides the required information for golfers at all levels. They had included some courses on request more than a couple of times. Very helpful people and quick to respond.
A Google user
My daughter age 13 yo n son 16 yo easy to understand and can we'll manage their game by using this application ..I full recommended to those junior to start using this golf guide apps
A Google user
This App has been developed many years ago when my kids play junior competitions. The course graphics are great and captured all the bunkers and hazards quite accurately. Nowadays, they are good for golf holidays as the App provide course information of courses we never played before.
A Google user
Great app, Excellent service because I could request the golf course as I want. I recommend this app for every golfer.
A Google user
Excellent app. I was a great help in planning our game even before we were on any of the courses. Yardage measurements are very accurate.
A Google user
One of the best golfing apps I've ever been used. The developer of this apps was really pro- active when you need more information. No worries if need more golf courses layout. Superb
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