Set List Maker

Set List Maker is a powerful repertoire management tool for musicians.

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3.73 (Rating count: 224)
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Recent rating average: 2.80
All time rating average: 3.73
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Date Author Rating Comment
Martin Curran
Purchased the app plus the midi functionas an extra. Having used Stagetraxx on ipad I was looking for similar on android. There's no comparison, I feel I have completely wasted my money. Have tried it on samsung phone with android 13 and samsung tablet android 7. Pulling my hair out as it's just slow and clunky when bits of it work. Most of the time it doesn't. Maybe it's better on apple but who knows ? Shall be going back to songerpro (shame no midi) on android and stagetraxx on ipad.
Steven R
Customer support is the best! Any time I have had any issues, and there haven't been many in the 6 plus years , Arlo always comes through. I highly recommend this app to any musician.
Dave Ellis
Great! Very easy. Very useful. Thanks.
Don Murdock
I've used Set List Maker for about 5 years and as a practice tool, it's awesome. There's a bit of a learning curve, but quite easy to use once you've got the hang of it. I've programmed over 100 songs; lyrics, chords, a background track or two, etc. Use it daily. One fatal flaw keeps me from scoring higher.. Every so often, in the middle of scrolling a song, the software will glitch, scrolling will end prematurely and reset to the beginning. Can't gig with it until that is fixed.
Steve Brookstein
Brilliant on my iPad. Terrible on Android. Crashes after every song.
Steven Laird
Brilliant then you updated it. I can no longer share export setlist as the files are not recognised. My recording keep dissapeaing. Up till this update my experience was possitve however this is now terrible and I will be looking for an alternative set list maker. You need to test updates before they hit the market. Very poor show guys!!!!
John Michaels (JMAV)
Horrendous experience. Very difficult to import charts, crashes constantly, share function does not work, no way of transferring database to other devices. EVERY single chart needs a new song entry and then linked to documents rather than just importing pdf. Help page make no sense and very confusing. I have written to help support twice with no answer, even sent videos but no help DONT WASTE YOUR MONEY does not deserve even one star. I will update if help ever reply and get it working
Gian Carlo Enriquez
can you please explain the thing i bought you apps. the apps work. but the midi to connect. I bought twice. but still not working properly. can i refund my money
Todd Clemmer
It works but it's probably a better experience if you own a mac. No Database merging. Maybe needs cloud integration so editing and adding new songs can be done easier and faster and push to all band members who have the app? Include a music file directory that can be moved with the database. Please optimize to work a little better in samsung Dex environment (copy paste issue). Thanks.
Denny Owens
For my work flow this is great, I know I'm not getting the most out of the app as I can because I pretty much just need lyrics in front of me from time to time. Well worth it for musicians out there.
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