Secret Puzzle Society

Unlock Clues & Solve Mysteries in Secret Puzzle Society's Match 3!

Total ratings

4.83 (Rating count: 24,059)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • No ads during gameplay
  • Good graphics and storyline
  • Smooth gameplay with clever animations
  • Diverse gameplay elements that keep it interesting
  • Charming characters and dialogue
  • Gameplay becomes excessively difficult at higher levels without sufficient rewards
  • Too reliant on match-3 mechanics, lacking real puzzle-solving elements
  • Distracting on-screen text during gameplay
  • Limited opportunities to gain power-ups or coins without purchases
  • Frustrating glitches and freezes during levels
Most mentioned
  • Gameplay becomes repetitive and feels like testing
  • Higher difficulty spikes with fewer rewards
  • Match-3 focus detracts from puzzle-solving experience
  • Text during matches obfuscates the gameplay
  • Need for assistance and power-ups to clear levels at later stages
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.00
All time rating average: 4.83
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Date Author Rating Comment
Orna Smith
LOVE that there are no ads. Entertaining puzzles and story. However, now that I have finished all the Rooms and an untold number of Artwork, and games are repeating over and over with slight variations, I'm starting to feel I'm being used as a game tester. If that's the case, put me on the payroll!
Fun match 3 game so far, but the words that appear on the puzzle screen when you make good matches is really distracting and you can't see through it. Maybe make them more transparent? The encouragement is nice and all, but it's hard to see the puzzle and it covers the whole board
Joni Davis
I love the story line and graphics to this game. Which makes you wonder, why only 3 stars? Well, although I appreciate a challenge, the further you go the harder it gets and it shouldn't take a week to pass a single level. I'm going ro uninstall, simply for the fact that it's no longer fun and more stressful.
Kimberly Prentice
After level 1,000 everything get so complicated you drain every power up and coin you saved from day 1. Currently stuck in level 1040. Been there for 2 weeks I don't have coins to buy more loves, or coins for any power ups. It's impossible to beat. You start out with 30 compasses and 3 pianos. And you start in a 4 by 3 square. And between all the compasses are puzzle pieces. It's impossible to beat with power ups and there is no secondary way to earn any coins or power ups. I think I'm uninstall
Nichole Joslin
Not as described. This is a match 3 game. There's no real puzzle solving to be had, as every "puzzle" you solve is gated by a match 3 board, and you're led by the nose through the rest of the investigations. The whole thing was pretty disappointing, considering you're told in EVERY ad about this game that you'll be solving puzzles...
Kathy Peterson
At a certain point you cannot progress without using bonus items or points. The graphics and story are solid, but I'm tired of being stuck on one level for days. Each game ends with 1 move needed. It's been especially disappointing with the Christmas event as it's impossible to complete in the days allowed. This might be acceptable if bonus items were easily won, but that is not an option.
Ashley L.
It's a great game and I really like the main character. But, I'm unfortunately unable to get past a particular level. Basically a color matching object won't go away. I guess in this game you can't use special objects to also get rid of it. Anyways, I've decided to uninstall the game before I get unnecessarily upset. I really did like the game, though!
Amy Williams
Hello, I love this game's intelligent and thoughtful design and have been playing it for about 6 months now. However, lately (the past 2 days or so?) I solve boards but get no clue credits. A glitch in this game is very unusual- it's a fantastic game, I do not mean this to be a bad review. Please fix though? I want to find out what happens in the factory!
I Iove the game play and the storyline, but minus 3 stars due to during game play the narrator talks, which is fine; but his words appear on screen for a few seconds blocking the board, which is obnoxious. Additionally tutorials are also obnoxious. There should be an option to turn them off. A person has to be living under a rock, not to know how to play a match 3 game. We don't need hand holding. Even a new board with new obstacles I can figure that out easily. But overall it's well made
Kara Donkle
Nice graphics, but zero puzzles. It's generic candy crush, where each game played leads you to the predestined, preprogrammed next "clue" in a "mystery" story. Cute game for 3rd graders after homework. Not for those who want a little bit of challenge. And the music is annoying too.
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