Jurassic Island: Lost Ark Surv

Hunt. Craft. Survive. Survive on island. Build shelter, craft tools and weapon.

Total ratings

3.31 (Rating count: 14,087)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Good graphics and experience of the prehistoric world.
  • Has potential for a good survival game as it is based on a popular genre.
  • Some players appreciated the crafting system and controls.
  • Frequent glitches and bugs, especially with dinosaur behavior and game freezing.
  • Poor resource management with fast depleting hunger and thirst meters.
  • Limited content regarding biomes and dinosaurs, making the game feel sparse and underdeveloped.
Most mentioned
  • The game is glitchy, with issues in dinosaur behavior and freezing.
  • The food and water consumption rates are too high, making survival difficult.
  • Players desire more content, including additional biomes and dinosaurs.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.20
All time rating average: 3.31
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Date Author Rating Comment
Md. Aktaruzzaman Masud
Great game, but it feels like it's still under development. Firstly, there were many glitches. Whenever I attack a dino, it tries to escape, but teleports back into my location. Secondly, it's very limited. There are very few dinos. There is only one biome. There are not enough features. I really enjoyed the game, but I expected a game similar to ark survival evolved. If I again play the game, only if this game gets plenty of updates.
Nolan Wilson
This game has problems. The dinosaurs glitch out and while running away and look stupid. The inventory screen looks stupid and also does the character on it. Hard to control.
Viya Vesey
this app stinks. I love everything to do w survival and jurassic park. That's y I'm so disappointed. This game needs: more forest, more things to explore Other than just plants and trees, more realistic dinos that don't fly back and forth, more space and maybe streams to explore w fish... I would take some ideas from the game "survive". Amaz game. Also I wish u wouldn't die so fast. It's not even like I can get food before I die! It feels like the game was very rushed. Also y only a guy?
Devs, I've played all games on which your game is BASED ON. And let me tell you this, it has HUGE POTENTIAL, but it's a TRASH Game anyway. Survivability way TOO hard, not even Devs CAN SURVIVE as a beginner i can guarantee. And after dying you cannot get ur items back even though you go where you died! I'm a PRO, but even i couldn't understand a way to survive without dying in every 5 mins after starting (try it). Let me know ONLY after fixing these, caz i quit.
I was looking for a game to play that was like ark, because I couldn't find ark so I decided to play this game. This game was okay, the totirial was horendus. I found several bugs in the first 5 minutes of playing, the textures were bad and all the buttons are mushed together. It didn't warn/tell me about the water and food bar untill it was too late. -Mikey (game reviewer)
Evan Reed
This game is plain out bad, the graphics are exaggerated and from the other reviews, which are probably fake, they arent true the graphics suck and features are glitchy. This game is not a good survival game and I was excited. But i was disappointed instead
Alex Lovon
Cool survival game. I gave it five stars for the graphics and experience of the prehistoric world. However, It'd be even greater if I could collect the materials I struggled to collect if I could not respawn after death. Thanks anyway..cheers.
Avelino Coh
I like it ...but needs some fix up... I notice evertitme i drink water my food health goes down and both water and food goes down too fast... Then when hunting it glitches the amimal some times dissapare or goes o top of me which is hard to hit... And it should save what you have after you die because doing it all over is waste of time. Other than that i like it alot and maby should show the whole island in a map or have other islands to go to. Thanks
A Google user
This game is definitely a Nightmare mode. Every single time you try to survive you die because there too less food resources for to pick even the berry is "VERY LITTLE" and not only that the food and water meter alway go down very quite fast.
A Google user
*drums fingers against temple.* I got maybe a minute and a half of play in, then it froze. The gameplay is simple, being a monster hunter fan i can appreciate it. The drawbacks, having to try ten times just to begin the game, and then only getting the not responding notice afterthe first round. Do i blame the developers, no.... You're just doing your best. Do i blame the ads, no... People who haven't been raised the way i have need to make money. I just.... Good luck to your endeavors.
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