Arabi eMart

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Date Author Rating Comment
Mohannad Alkhatib
No update for product or prices . No customer support . Not easy to use try press the back button on your phone it will exist the app. No comments to promotions.
Hamza Salahi
Poor app in term ofmany aspects: - the status of orders are not updated in live time manner, I order item and got delivered. However the status is out for delivery for 20 days. - couldn't return the good because saying that the time was expired even though the status is out for delivery. - sent multiple complaints with no response nor logs. - I can't rate the seller or the goods, to share my bad experience. It is ashame to be liked to Arab Bank !!!
Mervat Jaber
There is no way to contact eMart. No phone number, no email, and no one is responding to FB or Instagram messages.
anas uqiely
Very slow delivery, inconvenient way as you place order and wait for store to confirm order... Then you have no idea when they are going to ship the item, i expect when you charge me 5JDs to ship item within 3 days, right now i am 4 days from my order placement and got tracking or idea when to be shipped
kinana alafandi
موجود بروموكود عالصفحة وما بيشتغل مافي مصداقية بالعروض
Abdullah Alaqrabawi
Very bad experinced with this nonworking application