Event Countdown | Countdown Ti

An easy to use, countdown timer and count-up timer.

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4.42 (Rating count: 124)
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All time rating average: 4.42
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Date Author Rating Comment
Devon W (Spharkii)
Does a good job counting up and down overall, but there seems to be a minor hiccup near the one year mark
The Notification sound doesn't work • Nothing appears in the Notification panel. • The one and only 1x1 widget is inadequate. • The only way to use this app is to keep opening the app to observe the accurate Times. = It doesn't work. • The app as being abandoned.
Matt Hunter
The app is pretty basic and straightforward which is good. Only down side is that there's no way to sort the dates, they're only displayed by when you add them, not by the time till they're done counting down.
Trish Kehoe
Works well. It's not as pretty as the other app I had "Final Countdown". But it does it's job.
Love this little app. Easy to use, allows you your own backgrounds and font color changes.
Chris Zidani
Until they stopped updating it Final Countdown was the best countdown app. This one is the best of the many I have tried since. Easy to use and set recurrences of different types
Only been using this app a short while. So far so good. Only given it 4 stars though as it seems to list events in the order they were added. It should list them in chronological order instead. A previous app I had allowed for an image to be used as a thumbnail next to the event desription.....although not a necessity or negative comment, I actually really miss it, so just a bit of feedback.
Simple and sexy can countdown and up, scrolling in date month year was a breeze didnt have to go through the whole calendar like most apps. This is my replacement for the final countdown app
Brett Rhoades
I've now had the app for over 2 yrs. Its great. Widgets are useful, and appropriate. Awesome fantastic timer. It provides a ton of information! You can have practically any background you want. I really like this app. Go to app for getting duration. Widgets work great! No problems ever with this app and all functions! Highly recommend.
Joseph Zubrzycki
Extremely lite, just what I was looking for (up and down timer)!
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