Murder Mystery 2 Criminal Case

Investigate crimes & criminal cases as a detective in a murder mystery story!

Total ratings

4.33 (Rating count: 930)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Improved user interface and organization compared to the first game.
  • Engaging storyline that connects to the first game.
  • Addition of a notebook feature for taking notes during investigations.
  • In-depth gameplay that encourages critical thinking and deduction.
  • Low or no ads, enhancing immersion in the game.
  • Some spelling errors noted throughout the game.
  • Gameplay may feel too easy due to multiple-choice answering format.
  • Story progression can feel rushed in parts.
  • Some players felt they lacked genuine choice in decision-making.
Most mentioned
  • The game's storyline and character development.
  • User interface improvements and notebook feature.
  • Comparison with the original game, highlighting pros and cons.
  • Engagement and deduction required for solving mysteries.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.90
All time rating average: 4.33
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Date Author Rating Comment
A huge upgrade to the previous murder mystery game, it gives us a different perspective of a different characrer (Jonathan Steel), however, it doesn't have that creepy ambiance that the previous one had. But overall, it's good you should play it.
Rosa Listya
The story is good. But compared with the mm 1 the nodes respond a little bit miss, maybe because the nodes a little bit close. Also after we see the conversation we can't see the question again, just the answer. But in spite of that the game play and every aspect is enjoyable.
Now this one, it was a bit short, but it landed an inpact, and it connects to the plot of the first game. Its like a prequel, the fundamentals are there and the mechanics are the same. Not really a fan of the way you move from level to level, but overall, its great! Hope you finish the next games.
Thurein Tun (Bukain)
Again, i only have praise for you. Firstly whata excellent improvement regarding UI compare to MurderMustery1. This one got a note book too!! Nice addition right there! I haven't played much of it yet though Only had completed the initial meeting with Rivera. Will make a detail review after the end. I'm guessing there wouldn't be anything to complain about. Afterall you gave us these games all of which i think developed with passion and investment. Thank you
Katie Williams
Love this app!!!! It is the most in depth murder mystery game I have played. Hardly any ads and I feel fully immersed in the plot. I can't stop completing the levels which are complex but solvable! Thank you so much for making it free too❀❀😁😁😁
Thank you so much developers for giving us not only one, but two amazing Murder Mistery! I usually don't take a time to leave do rating but I really wanted to let the developers know that they did an amazing job. The writing of the game really makes you go into the story and make u curious to resolve all the mistery. The puzzles makes you do a lot of deduction so it feels amazing when you get something right xD I loved that you guys created a note tool this time, I missed it on the first game.
Seva S
The most intriguing game ever which has a new story-reading kinda format. Loved it ❀ The story may seem slow at times but it gets better. We also get to have new information about certain things and this is the first time I feel the story of a Criminal Mind is explored without the "moral of actions" being forced in the storyline but it is felt by the character.
This is my third app from you so far, the first two murder mysteries and also the mystery of the void. I love them! My only real critique is with this app. There are a lot of spelling errors. So many I had to mention it in my review. In the other apps, I noticed maybe one or two here and there, literally. But with this app I'm thinking maybe there were a lot of tired, late work nights? :) Other than that great job! Looking forward to playing #3. When will there be more mystery of the void?
Junyglendelle Atienza
I already finished playing MM1 and just started playing MM2. Im glad we were able to see and play through Jonathan's perspective. Graphics and controls is still great while the mechanics were now more smooth. It is great that the developers added a tab for taking notes which I wished was present in the previous Murder Mysteries. Keep up the good work developers.
I already loved MM 1 and I'm loving MM 2 much more! The improvements of an added notebook and the multiple choice questions for concluding the investigation are very helpful. I like the lay-out of the way the scenes are told and the idea of playing as Jonathan Steel this time. This game is making you think critically in order to solve the investigation and connect the dots in a unique way. Definitely look forward to uncovering more of this part of the story.
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