Promova: Fast Learn Courses

Easy language education: learn languages fast, improve speaking and vocabulary!

Total ratings

4.54 (Rating count: 200,033)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Easy to use and has clear lessons
  • Good for memorizing vocabulary through examples and repetitive exercises
  • Some users report improvement in language skills over time
  • Misleading advertising and lack of advanced content
  • Limited content and no updates for additional languages or levels
  • Difficult cancellation process and deceptive subscription practices
Most mentioned
  • Overall content is too basic and not suitable for advanced learners
  • Subscription model is problematic and often leads to unexpected charges
  • App is primarily flashcards without interactive features to practice speaking or advanced skills
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Recent rating average: 2.10
All time rating average: 4.54
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Date Author Rating Comment
Mike F.
Not worth subscription. I finished the ENTIRE German language course in 1 week. After more than a year, they have added no new content. At the rate I am going, I expect to finish the ENTIRE French course in 2 weeks. After more than a year of use, they have not added any new content nor added any new languages to learn. In the end, this is a pathetic app (Use Duolingo instead, it has more languages and more content updated regularly) that is just not worth the subscription.
Moa Wondimu
Simply this app is the best english practising app I have ever seen. It is easy to use, the lessons are clear and very useful. What I loved the most from this app is that it helps you memorise new vocabularies or expressions by associating it with different examples and through repetitive exercises. But I think it would greater if it had included a conversation practice (through sound or chat with AI) because most of non native speakers problem is on speaking. I hope you will think about it
Tisa Srikam
The advertising was misleading. I thought this application would help me practice my speaking skills, but it mostly focuses on spelling. This is not the reason I bought this application. The words they teach are also too simple. I don't feel like I'm learning anything new. I have learned a few languages and used many applications to help me practice, and this is the worst one so far. Waste of time and money🥲
Issabella Hidalgo
I've been learning and improving my English so much faster with this app. I tried other ones, but none of them provided such good education and ease of learning. Furthermore, even though I have started studying in a real English school recently, I just feel that with Promova, I can memorize much faster. It's impressive. I highly recommend it.
Matthew Piazza
Opened app to be bombarded with subscription ads, close that and get hit with a special promo for their subscription. I haven't even used the product yet, give it at least a minute. After using it for a little, the content is fine. Although I disagree with the subscription price, it might be fine for someone learning a supported language. I was hoping to learn traditional Chinese and that's not (as of now) currently supported.
Jakub Kudláček
This app has a very cool marketing on Instagram that convinced me to try it. However, after logging in, the app itself is nothing more than a bunch of "fancy" flashcards. There is nothing wrong about it, but I cannot see the value, especially after being motivated by the Instagram ad that shows a completely different vibe and experience. I would take it for free or a very low fee, but it is definitely not worth the money.
Chase Brush
Absolute scam. I took a free trial and realized the course consists of little more than fancy flashcards. I cancelled the subscription on the same day the free trial was set to expire and was still charged for an entire year at $72.02. I was not notified that I was charged and so did not realize until some weeks later. The company jerked me around as they tried to "verify" my purchase and is still refusing a refund. A really poor quality product with deceptive and unhelpful customer support.
DJ Destroyer
As someone who's learning French, it's good for vocab, but not for retaining the information. You can't review after you've finished, you can't type out conversations or how they should go, you can't speak it. You have to just hope that you understand the multiple choice. But this doesn't set you up for speaking French or writing French in the real world. So, I'd have to say, it's really not too good for that.
Mona Perez
Oh my gosh, do not try this app. The customer service person was very nice but the app does not do what it advertises. The quiz is a joke and draws you into believing that is a customizable learning tool. It is not. You have to start at a very early stage and as others have noted, it really is just flashcards with voice over. I appreciate the customer service folks but this app is worthless.
Parker Williams
Total scam and waste of money. I bought the premium version of this last year after getting heavy advertising on IG. The program doesn't even do what they ARE STILL advertising to me. It's nothing more than flash cards with very basic vocabulary. I was shocked when I finished the levels available only to find that it was the end of the program. The only update they've made is changing the name. I presume too many people caught onto this scam, so they needed a rebrand. I want my $40 back.
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