Find It: Hidden Object Puzzle

Start your search for hidden objects!

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3.67 (Rating count: 44)
See reviews for Find It: Hidden Object Puzzle on Google Play Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.14
All time rating average: 3.67

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Date Author Rating Comment
Sarah Orona
Thank you so much
Phyllis Ogez
Great game need more like theses Thank you
audrey adams
Cute game, but there's still ads after paying to remove them.
Lisa Clark
This could be a great game but you need to fix the bugs. Finished the first half of first episode and watched the ad to get a magnifier. After four attempts to get the add to run it finally went through the whole ad but it never gave me the magnifier. Did this 3 times and still nothing.
Tiffany Gaudinier
Great a
Christi Tucker
Lots of fun. Love this app.
Dianne Russell
Very good game just doesn't give enough hints wants you to buy hints