Appreciate: US Stocks & ETFs

Savings Bank Account | Invest in US Stock Market with Zero Remittance Charges

Total ratings

5.00 (Rating count: 2,153)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • User-friendly interface
  • Low fees and zero withdrawal fees
  • Smooth performance with quick transactions
  • Excellent customer support
  • Great for beginners and experienced investors
  • Issues with account setup and onboarding process
  • Some users faced bugs and slow performance
  • Lack of Indian stock offerings
  • Occasional errors with app functionality
Most mentioned
  • User-friendly interface
  • Low fees and no withdrawal fees
  • Excellent customer support
  • Smooth trading experience for US stocks
  • Issues with onboarding and account setup
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.60
All time rating average: 5.00
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Date Author Rating Comment
Siddharth Jain
Worst app , the accept button is coming again & again clicked 1000 times! Also I can't upload the statement F app Update : after one error , this app is worst of all 🤬 Can't add a simple bank account, very slow onboarding process and still can't have a account, use IND MONEY account got opened in just few hours. Also you have to open a yes bank account
Anime Senpai
Didn’t think I’d ever invest in the US markets and the experience is truly unreal. I’ve n. ever got such kind of returns from the Indian marekts. This app is easy to use and makes it welcoming for the newcomers. Their
Suraj jadaun
Everything runs smoothly, making it a a stress-free experience to track my investments. Highly recommend it to anyone looking to stay on top of their
Anuj Pal
Great investing apps for beginners - the s&p index funds where i invested showing around 30% up in portfolio - but will be good to see more thematic baskets and offerings that i can use
Abhishek Nayal
"Great experience! US stock investment is smooth and easy. Good app for making more money and growing investments. Highly recommended!"
Gagandeep Bhati
got this app yesterday only. one of the best investment app I’ve come across. Their reports, charges and everything are just too good. Just invested some amount based on their reports and they are already performing very well. Getting a good feeling from this app. The only sad part is that they don’t have any indian stocks at the moment, probably they might bring it in future. If that happens I’ll be the first one to pput my money in it. Too good.
Piyush chaudhary
gotta say that this is the best investment app currently in the market. And this is not only about the us stocks. the overall expeience, customer support and their fee structure. all of this makes it the best stock investiment app all around. Please start includi. ng indian stocks as well.
this has to be th e best investment app out th. ere. at least for investing in the US markets. Thanks to their refinitive reports my investments are doing pretty well. haven’t earned such good returns by investing in India. On top of this they don’t charge for withdrawals, that’s too nice of them.
Shreya Raj
Poeple don’t know how important loading speed of an app is during peak time especially for traders, even points matters and I appreciate app is very fast and doesn’t lag very much like other apps and because that I can make to the point trades.
This has to be the simplest investment app I’ve come across, tha. t too in a very long time. I’ve tried their competitors but none of them felt so customer centric. I love how they try their best to make the exprience better for the customer. I mean. who else charges nothing on withdrawals and AMC, and the one thing they do charge is lower than the others, brokerage. Their reports are the best part. Everything here is like as if it is already done for you.
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