Tower Conqueror: War Takeover

Defeat all your enemies and capture all their towers!

Total ratings

3.08 (Rating count: 12)
See reviews for Tower Conqueror: War Takeover on Google Play Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.33
All time rating average: 3.08

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5 star
33% (1)
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67% (2)
Date Author Rating Comment
Justin C
this is sooooo very, not good,notonebit.... it is flipping awesome and I enjoy playing it :-)
Gary (Grand Captain Speedy Dash)
Wasted too much time on this broken junk game
Keith Woelke
Basically unplayable. I'm on second level, and performance is just terrible. And exterior battles seem to just go on forever. That aside, the progression/difficulty seems pretty bad.