Split Browser

Browse two web pages side by side and cast videos to Chromecast!

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4.09 (Rating count: 112)
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Recent rating average: 3.80
All time rating average: 4.09
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Date Author Rating Comment
Livio Coccia
I used to run Split Browser on my previous Android devices, and it worked well for me. It's sad to see that it's development had stopped for the higher Android OS versions, but I find the app works really well with my MS Surface Duo device. If Split Browser's development ever gets picked up again, then there are two minor bugs that could be fixed, one issue is the Google units link under the 'Tools' menu should be changed, the other is with the Z Flip device not using all of the screen space
A Google user
Excellent app
A Google user
Dual browser, that has a great UI that lets you switch windows, open up a selected URL in the first window in the second window, etc... Needs bookmark directory system, and no import of other bookmarks that I can see, though...on a Galaxy S4/JellyBean 4.3, using multi-window, you can open up Chrome or Opera, and this app, and have 3 seperate browser windows open, and it's still fast...impressed...
A Google user
It crashes ALOT for me. I really only use it to cast to my TV. I know it used to be stable for me...
A Google user
Extremely useful and great on the ball customer service.
A Google user
Paid for it all I get is split browser has stopped working happy to change rating if it gets fixed
A Google user
This browser vast your money and wast your time. All people please download (Puffin) web browser
A Google user
I know it's called split browser but if you could find a way to multi app, that'd be a "shut up and take my money" typa deal, and I mean my own apps not garbage that no uses, but either way, I'm hooked after the trial
A Google user
Very nice.thumbs up. 😊
A Google user
After I switched from my galaxy S3 to the Nexus 5, I missed the dual window feature. This is the perfect solution! It runs very smoothly and I bought it without hesitation after using the trial version. My only suggestion is a text reflow when zooming. Other than that, I would recommend this to anyone.
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