IPSC Official App

IPSC Official Mobile App
See reviews for IPSC Official App on Google Play Store

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Recent rating average: 3.57
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Date Author Rating Comment
Keith Miller
The app worked very well before the last update. Since then, I am not able to access the IROA Members Portal as it gives an error message that I do not have authorization. Everything else seems to work ok, but it's annoying that I'm not able to access the IROA Members Portal.
Blair Payne
Richard I
Useless like the new website. Created by a blind vegetable and it shows.
A Google user
Great to have this app handy & mobile. Be ready at all times as needed.👌
A Google user
A finger-friendly way to access the IPSC website.
A Google user
No shot timer, I searched for shot timer and this app showed up. Probably good for info but not a timer
A Google user
Just brings the website into app form. Just a lev 3 and higher match calender, Nothing special. At minimum it needs an option to have the rule book saved (with search functionality)