실시간 속보 뉴스 - 빠른 알람 서비스

We provide real-time breaking news alert service.

실시간 속보 뉴스 - 빠른 알람 서비스

실시간 속보 뉴스 - 빠른 알람 서비스 is an Android app designed to keep you informed with real-time breaking news alerts. It provides instant notifications on the most crucial headlines, popular topics, and global news. Key features include favorites for news articles, sharing capabilities, trending search terms, and recommendations for related articles. With continuous updates, this app ensures you never miss essential news, all while complying with copyright regulations.
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App stats

By: musicboxt
Downloads: 19,605
Version: 2.7 (Last updated: 2024-05-13)
Full description: See detailed description

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