Equipment Manager

HVAC contractor business management suite

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3.61 (Rating count: 18)
See reviews for Equipment Manager on Google Play Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.00
All time rating average: 3.61

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Date Author Rating Comment
A Google user
amazing app that allows you to keep track of equipment and allowing you to clock in and out of jobs.
A Google user
Excellent App, does more than I thought was possible!
A Google user
Can't do anything until and if the admin gets back to you. Its a bogus app farming for set up information. Google play store should manage these fake apps
A Google user
I never got to use the app because I never got a response from Thier administration. I don't even think they exist anymore
A Google user
Filled out all information and have received no response . Has been a week since the first time I've tried. Still no response.
A Google user
A paperless and fast solution. I can work circles around other techs.
A Google user
Remember when you took the step and equipped your service techs with a smartphone? This is about like that...... It changes the way you do business! Customers receive reports instantly. Estimators automatically notified of issues to send quotes for. Graphical navigation with Maps.....the list goes on! Never going back!
A Google user
Best app ever
A Google user
This app appears to be no good ..asks for a login email and password, but if ive never used the app then hiw do i have an email and password set set up option???
A Google user
I wish I could try it but nobody returned my request for login info arter I filled in the registration form.