English Grammar

The book covers all topics: Grammar, Speaking, Punctuation, and others
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Date Author Rating Comment
Hsgjy Gjgfgj
It doesn't open in my phone .it show me (no data found on the web ) what it's mean
let's crack (Mrkhan)
Unable to see anything on the page It load with a blank page . Can't see anything in it.
Anamika Prabhu
It's not showing anything,great app,but now no data showing,plz fix it.
Amb Moses Barshiel Sundaygar
This is ine of the best english app I've ever used. But since it crached, I've uninstalled and rrinstalled it but seems not to be working anymore .
kiran kanth
Superb book, plz include objective type English exercises by grammar topics it will be easy for evaluation
Mohammed Zaheer Khan
Just now I have found nothing inside the application. That's why I have given a single star 🌟 Try to improve it on the right and useful basis. Good luck with warm regards to all the team members of this application 2022 🌷
Olawale Lawal
Your application is very good. The only problem is that it doesn't work often. Even if one has data, the application is always blank. Now, it is not showing anything on my phone. If you don't do something about it, I will delete it completely.
Mohamed Sesay
A± Advanced English Grammar is a very powerful learning grammar too. It is simple to use and highly informative.
Gandhara College
An exceptional book! Everything is explained in detail followed by suiting examples which help the readers understand difficult concepts in no time. Highly recommended.
Jafar Ullah
This was a great app but unfortunately it's not working, no data found....please make it correct sir......
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