Calculator Vault: Hide all App

Calculator hide app, hide pictures, videos, songs, photos and lock apps

Total ratings

4.15 (Rating count: 3,183)

Review summary

  • Helps to hide photos and videos effectively
  • User-friendly for hiding visual content
  • Users express overall satisfaction with the core functionality
  • Issues with unhiding data that has been hidden
  • Inconsistent performance when hiding audio files
  • App fails to stop music playback when closed
  • Repeated appearance of hidden content in gallery and music player
Most mentioned
  • Problems with unhiding data
  • Inability to hide audio files
  • App does not work as intended for some users
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.60
All time rating average: 4.15
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Date Author Rating Comment
Lee Kayna
Saw this for the first time and im so happy when it say "hide photos, music." Or whatever, and i obviously install it SUPER EXCITED. Try it of course. open it, add pincode, hide photos, hide music and you know what happen next? I click home to check if it is work, i open my music library but those files that i hide was still in there, and then i check my gallery the photos didn't change. I tried to unhide everything that i hide but it'll stack, i'd uninstall it and all photos that i hide is gone
Devya Sharma
It's very bad experience.... I want to unhide my data but app not is working... Plzzz help me how to unhide data from app
App is very use full but how to unhide the photo and audio
Avangeline Avangeline
I really like the app but the problem is that everytime i closes it the music literally won't stop not unless you play videos, other music etc.
Yapisah Samuel
It's a really great app but I just wish I could hide some of my songs. Some do but some don't
Mukhwana AbdulRahman
It takes time loading the music and others... but try to fix that..
Muneer Rasheed
I am very interested in this app and also invitations other people.. thanks
You can make the UI better than that, and the music player need more development (like auto shuffle for example), i am ready to buy devloped version
Joy Almasa
when i see this app i think i dont lile it, but when i download it this app was great but theres only one problem, last few days before I downloaded it my important image was gone,sir developer please fix this😔
Anish Attri
Its an amzing aap to hide ur favourite songs videos and images.i realy love this app.
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