analiti - Speed & WiFi

Speed Test, WiFi Analyzer and professional network analysis tools

Total ratings

4.52 (Rating count: 5,793)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Highly detailed WiFi analysis and performance tracking
  • Responsive customer support
  • Effective in identifying and troubleshooting network issues
  • Works well with various devices, including Android TV
  • Provides a wide range of features for advanced users
  • Frequent issues with ads covering the screen and forced updates
  • Inconsistency with speed tests compared to other apps
  • Removal of previously available features without notice
  • High subscription costs that some users find off-putting
  • Navigation and user interface can be confusing
Most mentioned
  • Ads interfere with usability.
  • Removal of certain features without notification.
  • Inconsistent speed test results compared to competitors.
  • Responsive developer support for issues.
  • High functionality for advanced users but difficult for novices.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.30
All time rating average: 4.52
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Date Author Rating Comment
James Dunn
ads prevent use as they cover the screen. good app otherwise
Chris Carter
best WiFi analyzer, speed, check jitter, check everything, even with the radio is just capable of how many channels et. C channel bandwidth and the 5 gig range and special features. Improve the performance, whether they're compatible or not in your router. I was shocked My high-end router didn't support certain features. In the radio, very good app to use and to troubleshoot at 👌 but I wish I could afford the bill. It's expensive tool that a corporate company would pay an IT to 3 use
Kevin B
Great nerd detail, love that I can differentiate between speed between my router and device and my device and the Internet.
michael aydon
Very good at finding out your wifi speeds and telling you how many devices are connected I never thought I had so many devices connected
Joseph Wachira
Trusted internet speed tester with years of great results. The fact that I can install it on my tv is phenomenal.
Colin Swabey
Used to be the best app for it's purpose but... there have been several bugs found and reported that should have been caught during testing, to their credit they fixed them quickly. However, recently I found out they have removed the email report from the Validation function, without notification, if there are email cost issues then there are much better ways to deal with it. I can't recommend an App where the authors sneakily remove options.
They previously sold options to pay to remove the ads, but now they released an update that brought the ads back after taking users money for removing the ads. I paid $4.34 to remove ads on May 4, 2024, very disappointed. Edit: after uninstalling and reinstalling, the app is no longer showing the large ads that play audio.
Bradley Lloyd Jones
Truly the best wifi scanning app out there... This will give you every statistic and a complete run down of nearly all functionality of any Access Point you are near... It will even warn you if there is a neibouring access point that is trying to match your own network ap... Best ap data gathering app I've used
John Fisher
The Basic speed test has been removed from main menu and their Validator now heavily pushed to be pride of place, which tells me stuff I don't need to know and makes me wait to see the stuff that I do. There is a speed test function, but it is way over the top and collects far too much data. The basic speed test was perfect and now it's been removed in favour of bloat. Uninstalled in favour of a more streamlined app without all the unnecessary bells and whistles.
Unhappy about latest ad promotion. In any app, after ad is shown, it will return to program or original function. But on this, we just simply can't exit. Its stuck. Then what is the use of this program. I am uninstalling. Release a software change only after proper testing in all compatible devices, else don't do it to break the main purpose.
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