tool4seller: Amazon Seller App

Track and manage the latest sales and profit of your Amazon business and more.

Total ratings

3.98 (Rating count: 252)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • User-friendly and convenient for managing Amazon sales
  • Accurate data compared to other similar tools
  • Useful functionalities for sales analysis and profit calculations
  • Sales notifications and alerts are beneficial
  • Effective keyword ranking and profit analysis features
  • Lack of customer support and response to inquiries
  • App stops working or logs users out after updates
  • Many features do not connect with Amazon API
  • Concerns about data privacy and access requirements
  • Frequent prompts to upgrade or rate the app
Most mentioned
  • User-friendly
  • Customer support issues
  • Features not working or connecting
  • Accurate sales data
  • Sales analysis functionalities
See reviews for tool4seller: Amazon Seller App on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.90
All time rating average: 3.98
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Rating filters

5 star
62% (13)
4 star
10% (2)
3 star
2 star
1 star
29% (6)
Date Author Rating Comment
Umang Vakhariya
Very nice experience with user-friendly app
Daniel Greenlees
Great app works perfect
Excellent app. Used several like this and they didn't give me accurate data. A week in and ive checked the data v Amazon and its excellent. Also the widgets and functionality is brilliant. 5 stars. Only concern is Ive contacted support twice and no response which is a shame. Good product needs good support to make it a great product.
Not sure yet. Being prompted to rate for free stuff. Couldn't get what I was supposed to get for rating. Updated rating. Can't even calculate anything
They aren't Amazon and want a ton of access to your accounts
I would give 5 star but after updating the app stopped working, just stuck on welcome logo
A Google user
Why do you need my info to browse your app??? IT'S A FRAUD AND A FAKE!!! Thanks! Lose my info!
A Google user
The only tool that will give you sale notifications on Android. Mine is a cash register.
A Google user
This app is garbage, the only tool I wanted to use in this app doesn't even work! Just keeps spamming you to upgrade whenever you try to do anything! Waste of time!
A Google user
Once you login in the app, their is no going back even after you wish to stop them to not monitor your MWS Authorization. They will continue to monitor even after you uninstall the account, till you delete tour MWS or Seller account.
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