Lua for Games: Learn & Code

Learn Lua scripting, game development, and coding with an interactive compiler!

Total ratings

2.56 (Rating count: 65)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Fun to learn
  • Helpful for reinforcing knowledge
  • Good tutorial for beginners
  • Provides interesting facts after each course
  • Easy to understand lessons
  • Significant lag and slowdown on devices
  • Poor graphical design and readability issues
  • Numerous bugs and functionality problems
  • Login issues that hinder access
  • Inability to complete some lessons due to bugs
Most mentioned
  • Lagging performance
  • Bugs and functionality issues
  • Poor readability due to color choices
  • Login problems
  • Usefulness of the tutorials
See reviews for Lua for Games: Learn & Code on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.30
All time rating average: 2.56
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Rating filters

5 star
44% (8)
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6% (1)
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28% (5)
Date Author Rating Comment
Waaaaay too slow. Its slows down my whole phone and the lag is crazy. Sorry ill just look for another app to learn lua.
Yt Baap
Fun to learn but, the colors combination are making it hard to read, can't type, can't read properly. Tho I was going to give 2 stars but the facts u tell after each courses was fun so 3 stars. I also see why there's a Nepali language on it as many of the users are Nepalese as well as me. And too much to read, I don't have time to read nor some of your users. I know you guy/s are still upgrading and making the game better, best of luck.
Very nice, helped reinforce my knowledge about scripting! After not coding for a while this was the perfect app!
sly ogoin
I love it I can script Lua now Lua is underrated
Tanisha Valayutham
helpfull asf
Adrian Wojciechowski
Pretty buggy, do it your self taking forever to load, when writing the code you can't go to the next line because there's no button for it GUI pictures low quality and not appealing, black text on dark grey (sometimes). I feel this app would work nicely (4.5 stars) if it had better graphic design, better functionality, and some better performance.
Tester RobIox0
Zack Buildit
I have not properly tested the app yet, but this low review is due to both the notable increase in lag on my phone as soon as it finished downloading, and when I actually opened it, my phone looked like a slideshow from the degree of lag
vikkio stuff
login protected and none of the login systems provided work. waste of time
Bidhan Sapkota
Awesome. Especially the course section helped me a lot to start learning lua form stratch. I think this app deserves to have in app purchases. Awesome made
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