Code Editor

Edit code on your android device.

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3.75 (Rating count: 46)
See reviews for Code Editor on Google Play Store

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Recent rating average: 3.30
All time rating average: 3.75

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Date Author Rating Comment
Tyler Strider
Doesnt work if you deny network access
Siddharth Sirsate
Where is the run button, is it even present?
It requires all file access which is way more than what is required
Ed Nafziger
Best XML editor for Android that I've tried. Only complaint is the irhat XML files content isn't indented properly. Blocks are indented 1 or 2 pixels instead of 4 spaces.
Nick Huffman
Ok at first, I love this application and thought was the best app I've ever used for HTML editing. But as time has progressed, I've realized that as several terrible flaws. One big one. The most major one for me is the inability to turn off auto completion of tags. So I'll be coding in my app and will enter a tag and I'll complete the tag even though I didn't type it which is a big headache because it causes me to have errors. Second off, is it auto completes quotes and this lags app
Dylan Ortiz Martinez
Keep up the great work!
Hamad S
please add plugins in code editor so we can code fast
আলী আসগার
Joe Myers
This supposed to be great app, but it lacks of features such as run code button, create program button, etc.
Ahsanur Rahman Sayem
Can you implement any extra feature like I can give padding in the app or in terminal Activity. Thanks.