English Arabic Dictionary

English - Arabic Dictionary / قاموس إنجليزي - عربي - إنجليزي

Total ratings

4.55 (Rating count: 10,329)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Easy to use and flexible
  • Very useful for learning Arabic
  • Good for elementary level students
  • Offline usage is possible
  • Reliable translation support
  • Audio playback issues ('play failed')
  • Limited number of words and expressions
  • Not suitable for advanced learners
  • Lack of instructions and help
  • Need for more than one meaning for polysemous words
Most mentioned
  • Audio not working ('play failed')
  • Need for more words and expressions
  • Useful for learning and education
  • Issues with grammar words and translational accuracy
  • User interface improvements needed
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Recent rating average: 3.90
All time rating average: 4.55
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Date Author Rating Comment
Muniru Mbawini
Try to add more than one meaning to those Arabic words with many different meanings depending on where it is used.Thank you
u r my dreams
Five stars and really deserve it .such an amazing app. useful , easy and flexible
Lyn krivohlavy
I must be missing something. This is rubbish. No instructions, no help, pronounces the english word - thank you but I already know that! I want the arabic word pronounced! Bigger font or option to magnify would be useful too.
Ehab Saleh
It is good for elementary school. Kids only , not even for high school students
samy omer
It would be better if it included more expressions and phrasal verbs
A Google user
Excellent dictionary but it still needs improvement. For example, the word 'extant' does not exist in this dictionary!
A Google user
Thanks for solve the below problem But another new problem happen the Both Direction stoped working. ((only one bad point no voice of text-to-speech always "play failed". please any solution..))
A Google user
Thi English/Arabic Dictionary is quite handy to me since I can write and read Arabic like my first language. I use it to learn Arabic along with language learning programmes.
A Google user
I started since two years , it has a lot of different grammar words.it helps me at work too. Thanks 👍
A Google user
the was really magnificent but after a time of using. the feature of pronounce words was stopped and now after i have updated it, a stoppage work massage always appear
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