AT Mobile App

Access AT products and services on the go simply and conveniently.

Total ratings

3.86 (Rating count: 3,354)

Review summary

  • Easy to use interface
  • Efficient for managing accounts and accessing network products
  • Helpful for those who struggle with memorizing USSD codes
  • Quick balance updates when the app is functional
  • Nice app design and good potential if functionality improves
  • App takes a long time to open
  • App frequently crashes, especially when Bluetooth is on
  • Inconsistent performance; fails to display balance and information
  • Users report login issues and error messages
  • Limited functionality; cannot access certain features without data
Most mentioned
  • App crashing issues
  • Slow loading times and performance when opening
  • Problems with Bluetooth causing app to stop working
  • Login and verification code issues
  • Inability to use app without a data connection
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.20
All time rating average: 3.86
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Rating filters

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22% (6)
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26% (7)
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44% (12)
Date Author Rating Comment
Edwin Botchway
The app is easy to use but opening it takes ages. Using a dialer is way faster than getting the app to open
Tochukwu Onwumere Martin
Everything looks slow, unlike MTN app you can use the app without your SIM in the phone.
Aaron D.
What frustrating is I can't even check my data balance when I use the code and they send SMS to download this app. What annoying is even after contact support team and provide all details they asked I can't sign in this app because they never send me confirmation code
Prince Sarfo
This app is very efficient and easy to use, this will help my Grandma a lot since she couldn't memorise all those short codes
Laud Aggudey
Great app, makes accessing products on the network easier. What I want from this app to give it 5 stars is linking of multiple numbers to the app simultaneously, whereby if I have 2 or more AT numbers, I can link all numbers to the app at once So upon opening the app all linked numbers will appear then I can choose to get more details about a particular number Without having to go through the process of linking a new number everytime
Fred Boawolor Terkpernor
The app doesn't work for me. It is just trash on my phone
Joe Kind
Currently the App is broken, it logged me out and from there I can't login again. Each time I enter my number it gives me an error saying "Error while fetching your number, check your Internet connection and try again" even though I'm fully connected to the Internet. Fixing this issue will be much appreciated. Thanks for your time 🙏
samuel thomas
This one of the worst network apps I have issued. Please work on the interface and also please let it work
Ebenezer Fiifi Enos
Please i just updated my app yesterday because it was not opening. I have tried to open the app today and it is still not opening it just shows me options for ( Buy sim or link my number) kindly fix the problem
Wiredu De-Graft Johnson
The network can not function in qatar it makes it difficult to use the sim outside to send or check your money
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