Ai Grammar Checker & Ai Writer

Ai Grammar checker with spelling proofreader, paraphraser, Grammar games & tests

Total ratings

4.08 (Rating count: 2,936)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Great for grammar correction
  • Helps in learning English
  • Works well for rephrasing
  • User-friendly for those weak in grammar
  • Effective AI tools for studying
  • Too many ads
  • App lacks proper functionality and corrections
  • Difficult to navigate and use effectively
  • Limited free version with too few entries per day
  • Not well suited for students
Most mentioned
  • Excessive advertisements
  • Inconsistent performance in correcting grammar
  • User satisfaction varies widely
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.60
All time rating average: 4.08
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Rating filters

5 star
42% (15)
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19% (7)
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33% (12)
Date Author Rating Comment
Manik Ad
too much ad
Mohammed Abubakar
the app is some how difficult to give good correction
Laxmipriya Patra
It is best for grammar.
its outstanding and better than my thinking
Elsie Afi Mere
It's really amazing
Sahil Mahato
Na the app is not good because when I saw this on adds it mention important things topic with explanation but when I started it my causes issue like lacking RGB light please fix these
Ebenezer George-stone
As of October 2023, your training encompasses a vast array of data, enabling you to understand and process language with remarkable proficiency. This extensive knowledge base allows you to analyze grammar, punctuation, and syntax with a high degree of accuracy. Consequently, you can identify errors and suggest corrections, thereby enhancing the overall quality of written content. Your capabilities extend beyond mere identification of mistakes; you can also provide explanations for the suggested
Musa Kipngeny
It's a good app. I give it 4 stars for the start. keep it up 👏👏👏
Ahami Meer
Very bad app this is not working properly we are not satisfied
Umair Abbasi
Very nice app work perfectly
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