All Language Translator App

Camera translator app for photo translation, voice to text & object translator

Total ratings

3.80 (Rating count: 1,031)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Easy to use
  • Good user interface
  • Nice app experience
  • False advertising regarding features and available languages
  • Automatic charges without user approval
  • Inaccurate translations and functionality
Most mentioned
  • Issues with automatic charges and refunds
  • Poor translation accuracy and capabilities
  • Limited language options despite the app's name
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.60
All time rating average: 3.80
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70% (21)
Date Author Rating Comment
Star Byerson
Worst experience ever. I downloaded this app for my trip to Columbia. App did not do anything it's supposed to do. Waste of my money. Google translater works best & it's free.
Christian Dave Supan
They Deducted a 805 to may gcash Acc. Automatic, but I don't use this acc. And I uninstall it last week ago why they Deducted me 805 that I can't use this app? I hope that the refund will I get soon
easy to use and everything but it's not the most accurate 😭
Ng Huiyin
Can't even read the image and charged my money with no approval, don't get this app. Its the worst
Jeffrey Rivamonte Melaya
its take money in my account... its accidentally installed by my son... and i didnt know it will purchased it. i request refund but google play cant give refund they tell i need to contact developer... i need a refund... im not the who installed this its my youngest son. please help. and by the way i cancelled subscription cos im afraid it will cut in my account again. and i uninstalled it cof im afraid thats why!
Colin Hill
Says All languages in the name but not 1 of the 8 I tried available and a very short list. False advertising.
m taha
LOL this app is not recommend because it's not free (paid) you don't even mentioned in the screenshots that you provide. Don't use this app
Aizer Rider30
please return my payment i didnt use your app it they deduct my money in online debit..please return my money..
I have chopsticks with Chinese writing. The picture mode would not recognize anything much less translate into English. Uninstalled
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