Calendar - Easy Planner

Simple Calendar app to Plan, Schedule, and Remind.

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4.77 (Rating count: 36)
See reviews for Calendar - Easy Planner on Google Play Store

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Recent rating average: 4.60
All time rating average: 4.77

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Date Author Rating Comment
Magdalena Živković
Great app!
Branko Zec
Exactly what I needed—a simple calendar that shows the month and days without any unnecessary extras. It’s easy to use and does the job perfectly. Great work!
Petar Milovanovic
This app is fantastic! It lets me easily schedule appointments and set multiple reminders, like 1 day ahead, 3 hours ahead, and 1 hour ahead—features I missed in other calendar apps. The design is simple and user-friendly, which I love. Unlike some apps, the month view displays up to 5 events per day, keeping everything visible and organized. It’s perfect for anyone who values simplicity and functionality. I’m very satisfied so far!
Abona Gergis
Kailash Ramola RK
Please update more features