Baseball Companion Stats track

The ultimate baseball stats tracker for players, coaches, managers and trainers

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4.50 (Rating count: 71)
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Recent rating average: 4.10
All time rating average: 4.50
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Date Author Rating Comment
Emiliano Agosto
Easy ro track son stats AB
Tyler Jones
Great app! Wish there was a way to tell which type of hit it was (Line drive, ground ball, fly out, pop out and where it was hit in the field ro see a "spray chart"
brennan dorman
The app feels clean, easy to use, clear. Adseeing the Stats really helps me work on my skills
Reginald Bowens
Solid app for tracking stats. I use it for my son. It gives advance hitting stats as it tracks, ABs and accompanying stats, including when a player reaches on an error and Strikeouts..
Raymond Russo
Need "On By Error" as an option and defensive stats.
Coy Warhurst
This is the best baseball stat tracking app there is! It's great!! I would like to have pitching stats available. Also would be nice if it didn't count a walk as an AB. Also need to add Sacrifice Fly
Kari Nesler
Erased three seasons of stats for no reason, emailed developer, no response. I just want my stats back!!
Shawn Bennett
Good app for tracking batting stats. Would be great if there was something for pitching and fielding. Would look into purchasing advanced stats if I knew what stats I was getting.
Casper Trinidad
Jason Cox
Very simple and good. Needs spot for strike oits
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