SH Script Runner

Bash script runner and shell command executor with superuser functionality.

Total ratings

3.03 (Rating count: 555)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • With root permission, users can perform advanced tasks like disabling Wi-Fi and turning off the screen with commands.
  • Some users found it helpful for running scripts with root access.
  • The app crashes frequently and does not execute scripts properly.
  • It asks for unnecessary permissions, such as making phone calls, raising concerns about privacy and security.
  • Many users report that it does not work on various devices and operating system versions.
Most mentioned
  • The app does not run scripts effectively or at all, with various errors reported.
  • Concerns over security due to excessive permissions requested by the app.
  • The app crashes or force-closes, making it unusable for many users.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.40
All time rating average: 3.03
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62% (13)
Date Author Rating Comment
enes yildirim
I cant run any script please fix this..
Julius Walthers
Can this work for roblox? I haven't used it yet and I'm just wondering.
Alistair Mclean
No option to run scripts on a time based schedule. Network connected trigger doesn't work. No notification when script is run. Scripts appear to only run from within the app. Triggers and notifications do nothing.
I tried to run on Samsung S22 with Android 14. Output sent to file, no matter what I attempt, result is ALWAYS " error=2, No such file or directory" Is this because the app does NOT have root "privileges" ? If so, is there a way I can set so that ONLY this app can have root privileges ? I want to avoid "rooting" the entire device.
Hector “Dreddfull - Kidd” C.
Wish Downloadable Scripts Check for duplicates. if it would or could helped me set aliases and exports to a terminal.
Nista Nista
It's a virus don't install
aroja Ghamdi
Does not work I tried it's trash
Joseph Alvarez
DO NOT INSTALL!! It asked to make phone calls and if an app that isn't a calling app asks to make phone calls it's most likely dangerous.
XxShota MirikashixX
Doesn't even work, asks to be able to make phone calls and then nothing happens when i leave it it reopens unless i close it.
Shaneel Chanderpaul
Where are the script stored? I clicked online scripts options and then lost all my local ones..
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