Reviews of Access Bank Mobile

List of user reviews and ratings for Access Bank Mobile

Total ratings

4.28 (Rating count: 176)
See reviews for Access Bank Mobile on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.70
All time rating average: 4.28
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14% (3)
Date Author Rating Comment
Sp Peaslee
More often than not, the app does not work on my Android phone. This has been a long time issue and I have had several calls to the bank about it. Mobile deposit made several days ago never showed up at the bank. The branch that was closest to me closed, so not having the mobile capability is very inconvenient.
Craig Kneifl
Easy to use and very handy on the go.
Keith Alllmeroth
The only option to verify ID is an old phone number. There is no option to update my phone number so I am locked out of my account on a day when the bank is closed. I am not sure this has been fixed, but the functionality is ok. Updating from 1 star to 3 because it is adequate.
Margaret Ryan
I love this app! For an older woman as myself, it is very easy to navigate
Jessica Metzler
Pretty easy to use, thankful for the deposit online. Way easier to use than having to go to the bank.
Shawn Nelson
My people at the aksarben bank are great. Very patient and VERY helpful. Much appreciated for their help.
Brenda Carlisle
It works easy to follow, could make the bill pay not require another log on or allow finger access.
Samsung S21. I have to delete the app then reinstall it EERY time I want to look at my account or pay bills. Why???
Michael Rigg
This is the Rolls-Royce of banking apps. If that Rolls-Royce was also riding on 24" spinners, had lasers mounted on it, and was a fully functional submarine.
Brianna Torpey
Great most of the time but the transfers don't always work and then I have to login online to do it which frustrates me
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