CS Aspirant - STUDY HUB

Notes, Scanners, Test Series, Lectures & Books for CS, CA & CMA.

CS Aspirant - STUDY HUB: Your Learning Companion

"CS Aspirant - STUDY HUB" is India's largest learning platform designed for CS, CA, and CMA students. With unlimited access to expert notes, curated videos, extensive test series, and mentorship programs, it empowers users to prepare effectively for exams. Engage in community discussions, sell your notes to earn, and explore job and internship opportunities—all in one app. Enhance your learning experience with easily accessible lectures and articles to stay updated on relevant topics.
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App stats

Downloads: 5,044
Version: 7.0 (Last updated: 2023-09-12)
Full description: See detailed description

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User reviews

Very useful for cs aspirant student👩‍🎓
by Manav Kumar, 2024-03-12

Best app for cs course
by Universal Rv, 2023-03-07
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