
An app for teachers and lecturers simplifying the task of attendance of students

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4.11 (Rating count: 126)
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Recent rating average: 3.90
All time rating average: 4.11
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Date Author Rating Comment
Dereje Aseffa
Nice app in registration of the names in a sheet, easy to add names, delete and also sections. But you have to add is that: 1. After taking attendance back ward is through several steps (equal to the class) size. 2. No way to print the attendance registered in excel or pdf form. 3. In taking the attendance there must be a single step to select all the students and conveniently tick or untick the a box infront. Thank you it is nice beginning.
Rimsha Rajput
Its really easy ...
A Google user
It does my expectations
A Google user
Useful app
A Google user
I hope there is an option to change the date and remove vibration. I bet it will be nicer if there is a Leave or Excused button. I like this app.
A Google user
How do I add new student who join my class extra of the initial roll after indicating roll number ?
A Google user
Keeps asking me to review before proceeding
A Google user
Good app. but the system can't arrange the names in alphabetical order.
A Google user
Even though it seems like a basic attendance app, this app is easy to use and exactly what I needed. You guys have done a great job!!! Keep it up.
A Google user
Nice and easy to use
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