Five Minute Mystery Timer

This app keeps track of time while playing the 5-Minute Mystery tabletop game.

Five Minute Mystery Timer - Game Companion App

"Five Minute Mystery Timer" is a companion app for the real-time, co-operative tabletop game 5-Minute Mystery. Set in the whimsical Museum of Everything, this app helps players monitor their time as they solve mysteries, with entertaining reminders and encouragement from Scrubbles McBubbledy, the museum's quirky curator. Enhance your gaming experience and challenge yourself to solve each mystery within five minutes! Perfect for fans of tabletop games looking for an engaging and supportive tool.
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App stats

Downloads: 33,792
Rating: 3.85
Version: 3.01 (Last updated: 2024-08-16)
Version code: 13
Creation date: 2020-08-14
Size: 63.98M
Full description: See detailed description

Other platforms

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Not available on Firefox
Not available on Edge

User reviews

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Works as expected and is a great companion app for the game.
  • Fun and engaging experience with good voice acting.
  • Simple to use and enhances gameplay.
  • Great performance after recent updates.
  • Provides a unique feature that makes the game more enjoyable.
  • Issues with going back to select a new case; not intuitive.
  • Crashes or fails to open on Pixel 4 running Android 11.
  • Lack of functionality for multiple users to use their own cards simultaneously.
  • Separate app from the main game feels unnecessary.
  • Frustrating that users need to close the app to start a new case.
Most mentioned
  • Problems with app stability on Pixel 4 and Android 11.
  • Difficulty in navigating back to select new cases.
User reviews
Works for the game. Doesn't crash or have bugs. Simple and effective.
by Isaac Argueta, 2022-08-09

Should include a simple toggle to disable mastermind mode/cases. Would surely come in handy if they release expansions much like how mansions, descent and others do with their apps. So you only see content you have, especially non-kickstarter content. :)
by Twinstar Tiger, 2021-08-10
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