Smartphone Creator Tycoon inc

Open your own company and create the smartphone

Total ratings

3.51 (Rating count: 925)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Great design and layout
  • Fun gameplay
  • High level of customization
  • Concept is appealing
  • Easy to understand
  • Numerous bugs and performance issues
  • Save progress problems
  • Repetitive gameplay after a while
  • Lack of features and choices
  • Limited camera options and confusing setup
Most mentioned
  • Bugs and performance issues
  • Save progress not working
  • Lack of gameplay variety
  • Customization needs improvement
  • Request for more devices and features
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.10
All time rating average: 3.51
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Date Author Rating Comment
noob hamster
This is cool, but you can want to add saves just to save your progress and maybe add tablets, laptops if u want also some companies need to show their devices with rating and can you add presentations 10m, 25m, 100m, also one last thing, make the background office like realistic, and storage for 5 stars.
Harley Fullerton-smith (Crazy Kiwi Vlog)
It's an ok game. The ads are not bad and not overused, though the game does feel a little sluggish for progression
Landon Dauch
The design is nice the layout horrible the buttons look cool but they are just not to easy to focus on yk
Peyton Schmiege
The game would be good, but it has heavy performance and severe lag. It takes about 500 times clicking the ad before it pops up and it rarely saves your progress. If you could fix that it would be give stars.
Emil Cuello
Well after the update everything stopped working like the (Camera setting on the game) I had maxed it out and it only let me have 1 camera so I I'm gonna try reinstalling the game all tho reset ur progress:( thank u for replying all tho om like a month like or so btw is it okay if I use mods?
Titus Marvin
This Game is really fun so much fun i spent $1 on it to get 1000 Research points and I Never got them I have closed and reopened the game But still have not got them this would bw 5 stars if i have got them but still its just a $1 so i guess its fine.
Farok Alkhalili
The game is really great. i mean a very good game. It's gameplay is great, and the game is very easy to understand. But the only thing that isn't good is the save file. I played the game for a good week, then stopped playing it after 2 days, and when I came back the my save file wasn't there I had lost all of my gameplay.
Billy Sio
The game is good but after a few hours there's no point in playing as you've done everything that you can do. The game also gets repetitive after a while as no matter what phone you build you'll still have profit no matter the reviews. Lastly the improvement system is bad as everything is expensive and features like edge to edge screens are locked behind payment so even though you unlock more screen sizes you'll always have huge bezels in your phones no matter what.
Tejas Yadav
It's Great but filled with bugs and also lack of choices, camera designs are few and RAM is upto 512gb however main camera is only 20mp and if there is triple camera setup then let players decide the megapixels of each and every camera also few colours, and make ram more expensive instead of making rom. If there was something like 3.5 star I would have rated 3.5 stars
Raj Pratap Anand
i think its basically smartphone tycoon from roastary but better edit okay dont be sorry cause its actually good but please add features from smartphone tycoon also make the cameras small its dumb u know just add all features from smartphone tycoon but do them better like MATERIAL HAS NAMES PLUS 1 CAMERA QUALITY PLUS 1 CAMERA STYLE IS IPHONE PLUS 1 ,STYLE 2 WITH 2 or 3 cameras CANT BE SEEN SO REMOVE IT TAKE INSPIRATION FROM samsung oppo vivo , apple , nexus from google please add tablet's
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