Idle Industry: Get Rich!

Upgrade mines and factories to make money, turn profit while offline. Get rich!

Total ratings

4.35 (Rating count: 2,234)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Simple interface and design that has charm
  • Not invasive with ads, providing optional rewards for watching
  • Engaging gameplay that can suck players in over time
  • Fair monetization with accessible resources and no huge paywalls
  • Multiple glitches affecting game functionality, including prestige points and resource accumulation
  • Balance issues make progression feel insufficient after prestige
  • Repetitive gameplay becomes boring and lacks engaging content
  • Upgrade mechanics are cumbersome and confusing for many players
Most mentioned
  • Glitches affecting gameplay
  • Balance issues, particularly after prestige
  • Lack of engaging content and repetitive gameplay
  • Upgrade mechanics that are cumbersome and not intuitive
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Recent rating average: 3.00
All time rating average: 4.35
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Date Author Rating Comment
Mushi Ayro
Repetitive concepts and each resource or factory item should start it's level 1 at a slightly higher cost for upgrades. Although someone may not know when the sweet spot is to prestige in the game like after how many points is best. After "resetting" two times" things just get old having to click through each resource and each level upgrade it becomes a turn off.
Tina Thompson
Great game in so many ways. There are wonderful angles that you can tell were included in this. Few ads if at all. My only issue is at first I noticed a glitch where my warehouse items weren't showing profit or accumulating until I closed out the app. Happened 2 or 3 times. Also unable to earn prestige. I am looking forward to trying it. Maybe I'm missing something but I have all the requirements stated. Thank you for your time & care put into making this game, it's like a fun puzzle.
wilfrid Setterfield-milln
Quietly broken. On the surface everything looks fine, but if you open some menus or look a little closer... The energy generation doesn't work, the achievement menu doesn't work, the stockpile feature sometimes works. And to make it worse, to relaunch the game you must go into settings and clear all its app data. Now this wouldn't be so bad as there is a cloud save feature, but this has also failed. And on the matter of enjoyment (for the brief time the game was playable) it was pretty boring.
This review is incredibly long overdue. When I first got this game a good while back, I thought it seemed okay, like it'd be fun for a couple days then I'd delete it. It ended up being a lot more involved and fun than I gave it credit for. I always hold out a little hope that more content may get added or possibly more quality of life settings, but it's an amazing idle game where you could easily get sucked in and spend just as much time actively playing.
This could be a fun little game, but there's a lot more work to be done. - Balancing seems off, even after quite a few "prestiges" + spending the prestige points the boost is relatively small, prestiging doesn't give a real sense of progression. - Autobuyers seem useless/too expensive to ever get useful, so I stopped using them at all. - UI could be optimized, I mean, why is the button that's used the most (the one for switching between different purchase multipliers) the smallest?
Quite a good game so far, but it needs more options to make it more comfortable. Like it would be great if you could upgrade (not buy) all materials and factories to a specific level of lower costs, resources, etc. with one button. The last two prestige rewards (output and sell value increase) are too weak/expensive - they should raise with every level, so they become REALLY expensive too quick. The real money purchase for ad disabling is way too expensive, in relation to the amount of ads.
Edric Chan
An interesting tier-based game similar to other idle resource management games such as AdVenture Communist and its prequel, AdVenture Capitalist. However, it could do with a bigger font size as it was a bit hard to view the game properly without having to squint. It could also do with some music and/or UI sound effects that some other idle games do.
This is a nice and simplistic idle. The simple interface really has its charm, and seeing as plutonium seems fairly accessible, there arent any huge pay walls in this. It actually seems fair. !!!However!!! While its a simple game, it would be nice if basic features like prestige worked. I collect the 10000 brics and clay, but can't prestige. I've honestly been playing on/off for days thinking I did things wrong, but according to the tutorial, all should be in order...
F M (Facts)
It's alright for a idle game but there isn't really anything pretty to look at like animations other than the occasional money explosion. I would say it's more like a numbers game as in you only see numbers change and that's it. There's also no dark mode so you're stuck looking at black text on white background. It also doesn't shove ads in your face so that's nice. Good game so far.
Balony The Only
Not a bad game, not bad at all. Nice interface, a lot of things you can make for your typical idle game and I like the way you use resources to make other things. Also I like the energy that you can use to upgrade your stuff overall. Unfortunately, I find it... boring. It needs something extra, some function that gives it that 'wow' factor. I've only been playing it for a day, but that is the most important time to get someone hooked to an otherwise great game!!
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