Reviews of Truckcom Driver

List of user reviews and ratings for Truckcom Driver
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Recent rating average: 2.13
All time rating average: undefined

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Date Author Rating Comment
Duhabex Driver
Not bad, sometimes slowly ope app
Paul Skipper
More & more issues arise than get fixed. Doesn't keep log in details. Doesn't record start mileage. If the app crashes it doesn't remember your vehicle check.. Shockingly bad app.
Martin Hardy
Every update brings more problems. This time error msg on job preview. Followed by continuous having to supply log in details DAILY !!!
gc transport ltd
To complicated. And once you finished the job you can't add more photos or cmr.
Catalin G.
Why they had to replace the original Truckom app with this one is beyond me... Seeing and navigating the jobs is quite cumbersome, and doing the daily checks is very annoying. Why isn't there a single screen for both unit and trailer? You can't start the app without doing the unit checks and when you go to do the trailer you need to input again the unit. What's this nonsense? Who designed, tested and approved this app?
Andy S
There's absolutely no way to run the app without allowing unrestricted background running, this is not acceptable
Kris English
Changed my mind...I used to think this app was rubbish because i struggled to view my jobs without logging in... But now its much better
David Pearson
Stopped working on samsung galaxy s23