Clicc: Clicks Per Second Test

Check how fast you click!

Total ratings

4.11 (Rating count: 402)

Review summary

  • Users enjoy the CPS testing feature and find it entertaining.
  • Many users appreciate the ability to achieve high CPS scores, especially with multiple fingers.
  • The app has a sleek design.
  • Multiple users reported issues with the accuracy of timing, stating that the tests are inconsistent.
  • The app is criticized for being hard to navigate and feels rushed.
  • Many users expressed frustration with ads interrupting their experience.
Most mentioned
  • Inaccuracy of timing tests (e.g., 1-second and 5-second tests)
  • Navigation difficulties and a rushed feel to the app
  • High scores achieved by users, often using multiple fingers or methods
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
See reviews for Clicc: Clicks Per Second Test on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.70
All time rating average: 4.11
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Rating filters

5 star
55% (11)
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15% (3)
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20% (4)
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5% (1)
Date Author Rating Comment
sudhanshu mishra
Very good it supports double click o can get 15-20 cps with that
Francis R Noble
It is just started to update until 2021 nothing seems to update with 2022 this is unless you should have an app update
Epic Noob
This app is so good! I'm so happy I got God-like (8 stars)...
Iskan Yelmer
Dude guys i got 42 cps on 1s and it said i was a super man or super human.
Abdullah Legend
Great app my highest was 54(i used 8 fingers dont tell anyone)but still pretty basic
nice app 17cps 5 sec 2 fingers
Recep Deniz Gölge
I used this to test if I could get 64 cps with 8 fingers (for an A Dance of Fire and Ice map) so I will buy myself a mechanical keyboard! Its all because i have a membrane keyboard
Da-aqe GZ
I really love the app though i really hope that this would be a feature like if the current cps counter thing can be an overlay like floats ontop an app and shows my cps for example on mcpe id really wanna see that
Ramon Jurak
Nice. I got 52 and why is there a question if the app is good for learning piano?
Philip Kenyon
Amazing game I would give a score of there was no adds Why do apps need adds there annoying even tho they get money / Scaming
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