DH 2E W40K Character Sheet

With this application you can create your character quickly and easily

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2.17 (Rating count: 18)
See reviews for DH 2E W40K Character Sheet on Google Play Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.78
All time rating average: 2.17

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Date Author Rating Comment
Functions very well for a quick character builder, and with the source material so disjointed this is valuable for testing different builds you might be considering. Char creation takes less than a minute. Dev was super responsive in fixing a bug I had. Only app on Play store like it. edit: have a new issue where the app will not save any text I enter. If I fill out Info section or Skills then press Back, when I re-enter that character all that is gone. Editing base stats would be nice too.
Thomas Knight
Useless. The add banner pops up and covers the buttons you need to confirm it navigate the app. Uninstalled nearly instantly. Shame because from what I could used it was an ok app.
Jay Glier
Mediocre, the location of ads prevent the use of the app
Charles Stephenson
Keeps crashing
Anonymous Guy
Trying this app out because it seems a lot quicker than doing this via paper. However, the app seems to lack some basic functionality as far as I can tell. So far, I'm unable to edit the character after creation, in terms of stats, spending experience, or the ability to "go back" a step in the process if you screw something up in the initial creation. I hope this gets looked at and updated, it has some promise.
Peter Kenrick
I really like this, I want to get my players to use this, the characteristics have rolled up to 60 when the max is 40 (can be ignored of you roll real dice) Want to do a bit more stress testing before I get my players to download but really promising
Kullen Rankin
Great initial creation. Constant crashing when trying to edit things like equipment and talents. Definitely recommend for new players wanting to get a look at basic creation. Just don't expect much after at this time. Feb. 11, 2024
Jeremy Morel
It constantly crashes after adding your armour and equipment and after that doesn't work
Paul Karadeloglou
Very helpful. Still has some bugs, for example choosing the Heretek background creates Mutant.