Trench Warfare 1917: WW1 RTS

Fight in battles against enemy waves and defend your trenches in WW1 style!

Total ratings

4.14 (Rating count: 31,934)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • No microtransactions or ads if desired.
  • Multiple campaigns with different strategies required.
  • Enjoyable creative mode where users can create levels.
  • Fun gameplay with a nostalgic art style.
  • Free gameplay without the need for purchases to progress.
  • Game frequently crashes or closes unexpectedly.
  • Survival mode lacks excitement and does not save progress.
  • Bugs causing troops to become stuck or not respond.
  • Some levels are overly difficult or borderline impossible without ads.
  • Creative mode has limitations like not being able to delete objects.
Most mentioned
  • Game crashes or closes unexpectedly.
  • Survival mode is boring or lacks functionality.
  • Difficulties with troop movements and responsiveness.
  • Enjoyment of the creative mode and level design.
  • Overall positive gameplay experience despite some bugs.
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Recent rating average: 4.30
All time rating average: 4.14
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Date Author Rating Comment
Jet Black
It keeps closing out of the game randomly every 1-10 minutes everytime I play. I'll be creating a level or playing a campaign mission and it will close out on it's own and BOOM! All that time and progress gone. Could you at least for the sandbox create a draft tab? Also, while in the menu for picking objects, you can pick up/move/delete stuff in the editor, even though your in the menu picking out an item. It's annoying. Won't let me sign in. Survival mode is boring at times. Remaster is better.
Genuinely an amazing game. No micro transactions, no ads if desired, no account needed. Just a great game, with no bs. 10 campaigns with 25 missions each and all of them need different approaches in order to beat. If you enjoy strategy games, ww1, or are looking for something new, this is a game worth playing. The developers need a pat on the back, this game is the best mobile game experience I've ever had
Delta Ray
Good game. Enjoying my time with it. It can be challenging, but every level can be beaten with the right strategy. USA #21 specifically feels way harder than anything before or after it, like frustratingy hard, but again strategy will win the day. I like the nostalgic art style of the original game, and the added challenge. I feel like every faction should have snipers, but it does keep you from cheesing the whole game, forcing you to actually strategize. All in all, fun bite sized challenges.
Monica M
It's a great game, with some very difficult levels. I like how you can create your own levels and play levels other people created. I also think adding a way to control a soldier would be awesome. However, survival mode takes over 1 hour and does not save if you have to leave the game to do something. Example: I was on wave 40 in the British survival mode and had to leave the app. Upon returning to the app, I was back on wave 1. But the game is a great way to spend time and I highly recommend it
Aiden Haskell
Fun game, but every time I play creative mode the app just shuts down and exits me out of it.Developers please fix this bug thank you, great game by the way. I play it alot its fun, And a great time passer game. I would recommend it. And if you can can you please make the option to possess a unit, or a bayonet charge. Or let the units be able to take cover behind ruins or other objects. And make special levels like the battle of the dead men, or the battle for Verdun. If you can Thank you.
Aiden Farr
A very fun game. Very enjoyable. My complaint is that survival mode is very boring because after a few turns the enemy gets killed as soon as they get in range. Another complaint I have is that the red army on insane, spawns so many troops it lags so bad it brings the game to a crawl. But other than that this games amazing. Also maybe to fix the survival, maybe have the enemy bombard your troops at the beginning of a round or something like that.
Truly enjoyable, well thought out. ***************** However, having a consistent issue with "troops" becoming stuck in trenches on some levels, generally when the trench is crowded. I might have 35 troops, but when advanced, some troops become fully static, fail to advance or defend. I look forward to an update to fix the glitch.
Magical Mongoose
This game is really amazing and they continue to make it better. However it isn't perfect, some levels are borderline impossible to complete without watching an ad, which doesn't bother me but can bother a lot of other people. Besides that there aren't really any other big issues. Overall it's a great game, keep up the good work. (Edit: This game randomly self deleted on my phone, I'm not sure if this is their fault but this game just won't let me reinstall. It's the only app that won't install)
Jake Does Youtube
A fun WW1 game! Have played it for years, but came back to it recently. Only problems are that the shotgun and sniper rifle are very meh because they will always reload 7 or 5 rounds even if you only fired 1. Oh, and the Ottoman Assault Cars do no damage in campaign! Seriously, I had 6 machine gun cars and they couldn't even kill 2 riflemen! Other than those 2 bugs, the game is great.
Ad Victoriam's shitposts
This game shares the general simplicity of most other WW1-styled games, but the developers have put genuine effort and care into this game, and have even given the players more factions than just the British and Germans, giving them distinct special units. The survival mode is shockingly fun, the level editor is usually good (aside from it occasionally selecting the wrong object), and the campaigns all present a good challenge. Overall, the game is fun and was clearly made with care for players.
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