Go Game Lesson (Beginner)

This is a beginner’s workbook for learning the game of go.

Total ratings

4.13 (Rating count: 121)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Educational and easy to use
  • Great explanations and tutorials for beginners
  • No intrusive ads or minimal ads
  • Interactive examples that enhance learning
  • Helpful start for understanding the game of Go
  • Some users experienced a terrible UI and poor translations
  • Intrusive ads that are a concern for multiple users
  • Lack of in-depth explanations in tutorials
  • Scrolling issues within the app
  • Some users expressed frustration during tutorials
Most mentioned
  • Good explanations and tutorials
  • Ads being a significant issue
  • Easy to learn for beginners
  • Useful guide for the game of Go
  • Overall positive experience while learning
See reviews for Go Game Lesson (Beginner) on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.30
All time rating average: 4.13
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15% (3)
Date Author Rating Comment
Robert Frost (Frosty)
Good app trying to learn tutorials are good. Tell people why the move is bad during the tutorials I ended up getting frustrated and just started placing pieces.
mark day
educational and easy to use
Ahmet Fırat Kestekoğlu
Exceptional. This game is great. Maybe now I can understand Musashi and Sun Tzu :)
Terrible UI, translation and explanations
Steven Dorsey
The app is simple to understand, and ads don't appear obnoxiously like in most apps.
Emily Fitzsimon
Great explanations, I hope there will be an update to explain starting game tactics. Thank you! :)
ranjitha doddi
I enjoyed lot while learning it but we must practice it
Just Me
Nice and easy to learn go lessons with cool testing questions after each "chapter"
something somewhere
learned a lot here more than i did spending time on yt watching Go tutorial videos. really great app!
Useful guide for the board game Go. A helpful start for such a confusing game (initially)
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