명탐정 그린, 지구를 지켜라!

'Detective Green, Protect the Earth!' is a game that protects the clean Earth by solving environmental pollution happening around the world together with the main character, Detective Green.

명탐정 그린, 지구를 지켜라! - 환경 보호 게임

'명탐정 그린, 지구를 지켜라!' is an engaging Android game where players join Detective Green to combat environmental pollution. Explore various locations, uncover hidden clues, and work together to restore the Earth's cleanliness. Set in a virtual village plagued by pollution, players must use their detective skills to solve problems and raise awareness about environmental issues.
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App stats

By: 씨드콥
Downloads: 2,776
Version: 1.6.003 (Last updated: 2023-09-18)
Full description: See detailed description

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