AGFC Mobile

Official licensing app of the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission

Total ratings

2.51 (Rating count: 173)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Great app!! Love the upgrades, user friendly and pretty streamlined for some users.
  • Cannot log in or reset passwords.
  • Does not recognize user accounts or license information.
  • App is slow, crashes frequently, and has poor performance.
  • Difficult navigation and user experience.
  • Technical support is insufficient or unavailable.
Most mentioned
  • Cannot log in or access accounts.
  • Issues with license recognition and purchase.
  • App crashes and loads slowly.
  • Frustration with the app's functionality and updates.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.20
All time rating average: 2.51
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83% (19)
Date Author Rating Comment
Frank Scovill
Just will not accept CID# , will not open renew page ... I struggled with this app last year and it seems worse now. Very disappointed that our state department cannot support its own app.
Jeffery Jason
This app is dysfunctional to buy license. Try scrolling threw 54 Years month by month to get to your birth year only to have it mess up just before you get there.
Burt Browning
I'm able to login through the web and check game but can't through app....never had issues before. You all need to stop changing stuff making it harder for hunters.
Darrell Kennedy
Absolute garbage. I'm deleting it now. It should be done online without an app. It does not work.
Jeremy Vaughan
Hit and miss. Logs off every update. Now location info doesn't populate. No weather either.
Lee Dillinger
App is junk...can't login, can't check game, won't recognize CID garbage app.. waste of time.. a 5 year old with an outdated smart phone could make a better app all day, and I'd pay money for it before I'd waste another second trying to use this worthless app...surely a little tax and fine money could go to updating this pile of junk app
Worst app I've ever used. Can't log in password resets don't work. No one answers the phone. App is actually worse than the agfc itself.
Clayton Creamer
This app sucks I've been on auto renew with my license an all of a sudden my whole account has been wiped out can't even sign back in
Charles Bradshaw
Horrible can't find me in system and don't open until Monday to fix and everyone knows seasons always open on Saturday. Call check game number and was on hold for 33 minutes and convenient to not me the, call was dropped
Brian Morgan
This app makes me want to stomp my phone with the heel of my boot. It should not be difficult to get youth hunters legit.
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