Guns and Ghosts: Idle TD Game

Protect humanity from paranormal evil!

Total ratings

4.17 (Rating count: 15)
See reviews for Guns and Ghosts: Idle TD Game on Google Play Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.75
All time rating average: 4.17

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Date Author Rating Comment
Its good but only the first chapter is implemented so far. I was shocked to get to the second and it said "Coming Soon."
Robert Hendrickson
No one can get past Level 20.
Mark Smith
I started playing the game today. Loving it so far. I see the game is very new and hoping new levels and updates will be made on a regular basis. As of now there are no ads and no purchases to be made. If they are implemented at some point, I hope it's a nominal ad removal fee and very small hits to my pocketbook for other purchases.
Ronnie Harris